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Item List

Building Future Committee

John Shrontz 256-971-1363 The mission of the Building Committee is to advise the Pastor and work with the architect and, where empowered, construction contractors in designing and building facilities and capital improvements that meet the current and projected needs of the St. John’s community.


Greg Havo, 256-777-0481 gvkp1"at"

Facility Maintenance

Frank Bliske, 330-610-0295, fbliske "at" The mission of the Maintenance Committee is to maintain the buildings and real property/equipment using an appropriate blend of talented volunteers and qualified, responsive contracted services.

Landscape Committee

Knights of Columbus The mission of the Landscape Committee is to design, plant, and maintain trees, shrubs, lawns, and flowering plants that beautify the St. John’s campus while also minimizing the requirement for continuous, intensive upkeep


Patrick Garcia 256-508-2441 Security Planning and execution of parish-wide safety and security policies.

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