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Coordinator of Parish Ministries - Danny Garcia

256-722-7929 x102
 dgarcia "at" 

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St. John’s is a parish that embraces and promotes the stewardship way of life as exemplified by Jesus Christ. We seek to grow in gratitude for our abundant blessings, to challenge ourselves to stretch beyond what is comfortable, and to sacrifice. We share our presence, our prayers, our gifts and our service to continue Christ’s mission of transforming the world one person at a time. ​


We invite you to look through our Ministry Guide Book to renew your faith, and refuel your spirit by joining one of our many ministries. 

We are always looking for Volunteers.  If you feel called to serve in one of these important ministries, please contact the Lead listed.

When visiting our website you will see the Volunteer box next to numerous ministries where your time and talent are especially needed.  A brief description and contact will be in the information section.

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